Saturday, September 5, 2009

dOwn .

guess so in this world there is no such thing called CELLPHONES & PUBLIC PHONES . huh ?

yesterday when out to pyramid to celebrate TSI MINN'S birthday. finally you are 17 !


me ALDO bag !

me !

bored and not really in the mood the whole entire time in pyramid due to certain reasons !

i love you like i never see you again . i hold you like this is the last time . but what happen next ?
must this happen ?
i really do miss you .
can you please dont do this to me anymore ?
im not as strong as what you think i am .
dont wanna lose you . but you seems to be walking away from me .
could you come back to my arms ?
need you so badly , love you so so so much !
i feel like a thousand needles are in me .
but im just trying to be so strong to hold on to act that there is nothing is happening.
i seriously need you .
i cant afford to lose you !
time is not everything but trust and love is .
LOVE is a very powerful thing that you could possibly imagine .